By creating this site, my intention is to acquaint you more closely with the Croatia, its history, famous persons, cities, cuisine, natural beauty and other things. Every few days I will publish posts with these topics: nature, cities, sports and famous persons. If you have any comments or wishes, please type in the chatbox. Enjoy your reading!

Useful info

Holidays in Croatia
Date English name Local name Remarks
January 1 New Year's Day Nova Godina
January 6 Epiphany Bogojavljenje, Sveta tri kralja
Easter and the day after Easter and Easter Monday Uskrs i uskrsni ponedjeljak variable date
May 1 International Workers' Day Međunarodni praznik rada
60 days post Easter Corpus Christi Tijelovo variable date
June 22 Anti-Fascist Struggle Day Dan antifašističke borbe
June 25 Statehood Day Dan državnosti
August 5 Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian defenders Dan pobjede i domovinske zahvalnosti i Dan hrvatskih branitelja
August 15 Assumption of Mary Velika Gospa
October 8 Independence Day Dan neovisnosti
November 1 All Saints day Dan svih svetih
December 25 Christmas Božić
December 26 St. Stephen's Day Prvi dan po Božiću, Sveti Stjepan, Štefanje

Note: Citizens of the Republic of Croatia who celebrate different religious holidays have the right not to work on those dates. This includes Christians who celebrate Christmas on January 7 per the Julian calendar, Muslims on the days of Ramadan Bayram and Kurban Bayram, and Jews on the days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Foreign currencies can be exchanged at banks, exchange offices, post offices and at most tourist agencies, hotels and camping grounds. Banking hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays banks are open until 1 p.m. In the larger cities some banks are also open on Sundays.

Electricity: Voltage of city power grid  220V, frequency 50HZ

The telephone code for Croatia is +385.

Time zone: GMT plus one hour in winter and GMT plus two in summer.

Travel documentation: Passport or some other internationally recognised identification document. Tourists may remain in Croatia for up to three months.

Customs regulations of the Republic of Croatia are in line with the standards of European Union to a value of 3.000 euros; up to a value of 15.000 kn for domestic currency. More expensive professional and technical equipment should be Dogs and cats, accompanied by their owner, need to have an International certificate from a registered veterinarian stating that at least 15 days and not more than six months have passed since their vaccination against rabies. Tax refund for goods purchased in Croatia over 500 kuna in value with a validated "Tax cheque" at departure from the country. Information: Republic of Croatia Customs Administration (tel 01 6102 333). Web page for Croatia Custom office:

Working hours: Shops and department stores are open between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., or to 3 p.m. A smaller number of stores close between noon and 4 p.m. Many stores are also open on Sundays, especially in the summer, and a smaller number in the larger cities are open 24 hours a day. Public services and companies usually work from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

Post and Telecommunications: Post Offices are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and on Saturdays until 1 p.m. There are Post Offices in the larger cities which are open until 10 p.m. in the summer. Postage stamps are sold in Post Offices and at newsstands.  Public telephones can be used only with phone cards, which can be purchased in Post Offices and at newsstands, in hotels and tourist complexes. 

Radio news in foreign languages during the tourist season: On Program 2 of Croatian radio, along with the regular news in Croatian, the Croatian Auto Club (HAK) will give traffic reports in English, German and Italian along with nautical news a number of times throughout the day.  Other than on Program 2 of Croatian radio, alternating news and traffic reports will be emitted every full hour from the following studios: Program 3 of Bavarian radio, Program 3 of Austrian radio, RAI Uno, British Virgin radio and Chezch radio. Throughout the day nautical news will be emitted in English and Croatian. For more info on Croatia visit

Useful Croatian phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Croatian for almost every occasion.
Key to abbreviations: inf = informal, frm = formal.

English Hrvatski (Croatian)
Welcome Dobrodošli
Hello Bok / Ćao / Dobar Dan
How are you?
I'm fine, thanks. And you?
Kako si? (inf) Kako ste? (frm)
Hvala, dobro. A vi?
Long time no see Dugo se nismo vidjeli
What's your name?
My name is ...
Kako se zoveš? (inf) Kako se zovete? (frm)
Zovem se ...
Where are you from?
I'm from ...
Odakle si? (inf) Odakle ste? (frm)
Ja sam iz ...
Pleased to meet you Drago mi je
Good morning Dobro jutro
Good afternoon Dobar dan
Good evening Dobra večer
Good night Laku noć
Goodbye Zbogom, Doviđenja
Good luck Sretno
Cheers/Good health! Živjeli! Uzdravlje!!
Have a nice day Lijep ti dan želim! (inf) Lijep Vam dan želim! (frm)
Bon appetit Dobar tek!
Bon voyage Sretan put!
I don't understand Ne razumijem
Please speak more slowly Možeš li pričati sporije? (inf)
Možete li pričati sporije? (frm)
Please write it down Molim Vas, možete li mi to zapisati?
Do you speak Croatian?

Yes, a little
Govoriš li hrvatski? (inf)
Govorite li hrvatski? (frm)
Da, (nešto) malo govorim hrvatski
How do you say ... in Croatian? Kako se kaže .... na hrvatskom?
Excuse me Oprostite! Ispričavam se!
How much is this? Koliko je to? Koliko košta ovo?
Sorry Žao mi je, Oprostite
Thank you

Hvala / Hvala lijepa
Nema na čemu!
Where's the toilet? Gdje je zahod?
This gentleman/lady
will pay for everything
Ovaj će gospodin sve platiti (gentleman)
Ova će gospođa sve platiti (lady)
Would you like to
dance with me?
Bi li htio plesati sa mnom?
I love you Volim te
Get well soon Ozdravi brzo! (inf) Ozdravite brzo! (frm)
Leave me alone! Pustite me na miru!
U pomoć!
Call the police! Pozovite policiju!
Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
Čestit Božić!
Sretna Nova godina!
Happy Easter Sretan Uskrs
Happy Birthday Sretan rođendan